In the press

- Mark Colgan
How AI is Revolutionizing Retirement: Live Your Best Life

Retirement is evolving. Technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), is transforming the way we live in our golden years. Understanding how AI has the potential to reshape your life in retirement may inspire you to embrace this technology instead of pushing it aside. AI offers new ...Continue reading [...]

- Mark Colgan
4 Smart Withdrawal Strategies to Beat Market Volatility in Retirement

In the world of investing, strategies that prove effective in one situation might not perform as well in another and could even turn out to be harmful. One such strategy is dollar cost averaging (DCA), a method that involves investing a fixed amount at regular intervals to average out the cost of ...Continue reading [...]

- Mark Colgan
The Lure of Short-Term Treasuries and High-Yield Savings Accounts

Have you noticed the rising appeal of short-term treasuries or high-yield savings accounts in today's financial markets? Their appeal is not surprising. These investment options provide an attractive yield and are often perceived as a safe haven, particularly during a month of turbulent equity ...Continue reading [...]

- Mark Colgan
9 Money Management Strategies for Recent College Graduates

Navigating the world of personal finance can be daunting, especially for a recent college graduate. You're stepping into adulthood with dreams, aspirations, and most likely, a significant amount of student loan debt. Here are nine tips to effectively manage your money to secure your financial ...Continue reading [...]

- Mark Colgan
3 Steps to Beat FORO (Fear of Running Out)

On a regular basis, as a Financial Planner, I see clients motivated by two powerful fears - fear of missing out (commonly known as “FOMO”) and fear of running out (what I call “FORO”). While the fear of missing out on experiences can push you to pursue your passions, the fear of running out of ...Continue reading [...]